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Last Minute Specials

Check here often for Last Minute Specials, we often have empty flights that we want to fill, and you get the great deal!
(scroll down to see everything)



This special is for the two days mentioned.  Price is $395 per guest, NO MINIMUM. This is a great opportunity for a single fisherman, normally we require a minimum of two guests to book.  Limit of 3-4 guests for this trip, weight permitting, I'll need to know your body weights to see if you qualify for the discount.  You get 40 pounds gear allowance per person for this trip.  If you have more than three guests, contact me and I can see what kind of discount I can offer.  Currently we can accommodate 4-6 guests at the Minto Flats cabin. 

 If one guest or more weighs more than 250#, please call ahead with total number and body weights of guests to see if this discount can apply to your party.




Family of Four Discount for GATES/KOBUK National Park Flightseeing via floatplane


If the four members of your party plus gear do not exceed 700#, your party of four can fly for the price of three.

$1795 per guest, fourth guest in your party flies free.

Four guests is our maximum number for this tour, minimum two guests to book.

Call 907-388-9890 to book your trip!

This special expires Sept 15, 2021, however due to this tour taking up our entire day, availability is very limited and may not be available for the dates you request.  We recommend groups book in advance as much as possible to secure dates.  We also recommend you have a "back up day" planned just in case weather is bad for your booking day.

Your tour may be cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.



Special: Geskakmina or Deadman Lake, your choice.

Drop off any date before June 11, 2021....pickup would be in the morning on June 11. This trip is discounted this way:

Two guests $495 each guest (normally minimum three at $495 each)

Three guests $395 each guest (retail $495 per guest)

If weight limits allow and you and your stuff can fit, we can do four guests for $370 each. (retail $495 per guest) This option is great for two adults plus two children.

This pricing is for the first overnight. If you want more nights it's $50 per person per extra night thereafter.  40 pounds gear allowance is our base gear allowance, we may be able to adjust gear weight on a case by case basis, but no guarantees.

If one guest or more weighs more than 250#, please call ahead with total number and body weights of guests to see if this discount can apply to your party.

To book: Call Kristy at 907-388-9890, $100 nonrefundable deposit, balance due at check in.

We accept credit cards and cash

Applies to this date only. Stay tuned for more "last minute" booking discounts! Thanks!

Call me for details or to book. Non refundable $100 deposit required to claim this deal.




Deadman Lake Special for June 2, 2021
This is an evening departure and you can add on one extra night for free ($50 per guest value!).  Extra nights thereafter are $50 per person per extra night.
Maximum 3 adult guests, as long as guests weigh no more than 250# each
Minimum 2 guests (normally we require three guests).
40 pounds gear allowance per guest
Pricing is as follows:
If two guests, $495 each 
If three guests, $395 each
Call ahead for availability and pricing for party of four
(perfect scenario would be two adults and two children under 12)
If one guest or more weighs more than 250#, please call ahead with total number and body weights of guests to see if this discount can apply to your party.

To book: Call Kristy at 907-388-9890, $100 nonrefundable deposit, balance due at check in.

We accept credit cards and cash

Applies to this date only. Stay tuned for more "last minute" booking discounts! Thanks!



Special: Dune Lake two nights or add extra nights

Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Check in time: 6:30 am weather permitting

Weight limits apply, please call to see if your party meets the weight limit requirements

(Normal price is $495 per guest for first overnight, $50 per guest per extra night, minimum three guests maximum four guests)

Last minute special price: $495 per guest for TWO nights, $50 per guest per extra night thereafter. Minimum TWO guests, max four guests

Parties of one or two can pay the minimum guest fare.  Have a bigger group with more than four people? Give us a call for a special quote on this date!

To book: Call Kristy at 907-388-9890, $100 nonrefundable deposit, balance due at check in.

We accept credit cards and cash

Applies to this date only. Stay tuned for more "last minute" booking discounts! Thanks!


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